Monday, 9 November 2009

The Star Wars Holiday Special

The Star Wars Holiday Special. There's something a little odd about this production... and not only in the makeup department.

The Holiday special was a Feature length TV show and stars our regular heroes from A New Hope. The show was aired just once (For reasons which will probably become quickly apparent) on Friday, November 17, 1978.

I hate to speak badly of anything Star Wars, but this is just plain terrible. George Lucas had very little influence over this production and quite frankly, it shows.

The premise of the story is that Chewbacca is trying to return to his home planet of Kashyyyk in order to celebrate Life Day. Alongside Han Solo in the Falcon, they run into a number of Imperial entanglements.

Before the nightmare is over you will have to endure long weird Wookie conversations, jokes and comedy segments that don't quite work, poor costumes, poor low quality special effects, a bizarre musical interlude, cartoon segments, a cantina scene which is pure garbage compared to the memorable one of A New Hope and for some reason, a song by Princess Leia at the end. Why?

You will be staring at the screen dazed and confused.

Not even the quality of Harrison Ford can save this one, but he gives it a pretty good try. The space scenes with him in the Falcon are probably the only salvageable parts of the whole feature.

The ill conceived Holiday Special doesn't really represent or have any place in the Star Wars Universe and is best left forgotten or better buried on the furthest Moon.

Um... Happy Life Day ?

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