Episode 4, Destroy Malevolence sees the epic conclusion to the Malevolence trilogy in season 1. It has the Moral, "A Plan is only as good as those who see it through." This episode is the first in the Clone Wars saga to see Padme Amidala and also the famous partnership between droids C3P0 and R2D2.
Grievous is in retreat. Before the battleship Malevolence can destroy an Outer rim clone Medical base, a Republic Strike force under the command of Anakin Skywalker, cripple the Warship disabling its dreaded Ion Cannon. Now the Jedi relentlessly pursue the Malevolence.
The episode starts with General Grievous fleeing the battlefield, chased by three Republic Warships. Although crippled, the Malevolence is so big, it sustains all damage the Jedi can inflict upon it. Plo Koon advises they need reinforcements.
All is not lost for the evil Separatists. Count Dooku communicates to Grievous that an important Galactic Senator is heading his way. He adds, "With her as your hostage, they will call off their attack."
The Senator in question is, of course, Padme Amidala piloting her Naboo ship that we have seen in The Phantom Menace. With C3P0 for company, Padme has been tricked by a false trip off from Palpatine. She is expecting to sign a treaty with The Banking Clan, but on exiting Hyperspace finds herself bang in the path of the Malevolence!
"Get out of there as fast as you can!" shouts Anakin. But it's too late. The Malevolence tractors the small ship inside.
Grievous laughs as the Jedi immediately stop firing. "So Predictable," he quips. He orders immediate repair of the hyperdrive.
Very unsurprisingly, Anakin decides to embark on a rescue mission. Kenobi follows.
Plo Koon is dismayed, "I'm afraid Master Skywalker is taking a terrible risk."
"You get used to it," answers Ahsoka. You can see that Anakin is reckless even in these early stages before his ultimate destiny of course to being Darth Vader. Anakin's plan is simple... Just fly there, land and hope they don't spot them. Even Kenobi is a little sceptable about this one.
Before Grievous can reach her in the hangar, Padme self-destructs the ship and goes on the run inside the Malevolence with protocol droid Threepio.
Battle-droids are so busy searching the ship for Padme and carrying out badly needed repairs, they fail to notice Anakin and Obi-wan enter via one of the airlocks. They quickly take out a pair of battle-droids and Anakin locates and rescues Padme. Anakin's plan is to then leave...
"We can't leave yet," says Padme, "I overheard Grievous. Their hyperdrive is almost repaired."
Remember the episode moral? "A Plan is only as good as those who see it through."
Kenobi communicates that he will make sure the hyperdrive stays offline. Grievous is listening in, "We'll see about that Jedi!" and leaves to take care of business.
When Obi-Wan Kenobi reaches the hyperdrive section he finds Droidekas, Battle droids and General Grievous all waiting for him. He is totally surrounded. The Jedi force jumps out of the firing line, force-pushes Droids off the gantry and then again using the force, uses the Droidekas as bowling balls to take out the majority of the remaining droids before escaping on route to Anakin.
"That was impressive," comments a Battle-droid of Kenobi's amazing display. Grievous powerfully slaps the droid away, "I will deal with this Jedi myself!"
Anakin and Padme make it to the Central Command center and take out the droids there. Skywalker has an idea and reprograms the ships navigation computer. The pair then escape to rendezvous with Kenobi and their ship The Twilight
Despite a brief lightsaber conflict with Grievous, Kenobi manages to meet with Padme and Anakin and together along with C3PO and R2D2 they escape the burning Malevolence. Grievous and several other one-man fighter ships make chase in a last ditch effort to destroy them.
As he pursues his target, Grievous orders the partly repaired Malevolence to jump to hyperspace where he will later meet up with them. They try to, but due to Anakin's tinkering with the navigational computer, the Battleship turns and crashes into a nearby moon. The vessel is totally destroyed. Grievous has failed.
General Grievous cuts off a communication from Dooku, "General, we await the Malevolence at the rendezvous point. Have you made your escape yet?"
Clearly he hasn't. Things have gone terribly wrong, their new weapon nullified and the Republic claiming victory. The General hyperspaces away.
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